Thursday, February 7, 2008

The ACMS - Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences

I'm only casually familiar with this group, have never been a member, and have not read everything on their website. I am fine with their statement of belief, however, and what articles I've read from their journal are interesting and thought provoking.

Their first stated goal is "to encourage Christians in the mathematical sciences to explore the relationship of their faith to their discipline." Their focus is not directly on computer technology and programming, but they have more than touched on the subject over the years. I'm not aware of any similar association or professional groups oriented toward computer science and technology, so if you happen to know of one, please let me know.

A more recent article of interest is "Forming a Christian View of Computer Technology". I find it thoughtful, and it hits on a lot of the same ideas that I've had over the past few years.

- ckb

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